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[WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Robann10
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C:> Multiplayer Platform Status: Active [Free registration - Last check: February 2018]
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Welcome to RetrOnline - Play Good Old Games ... Online!
[WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Robann10
C:> Follow us: [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Vip2210 [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Facebo15 [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Twitte16 [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Youtub14
C:> Supported languages: [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Forume11 Read me! (English) / [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Forumf11 Lisez-moi! (Français)
C:> Multiplayer Platform Status: Active [Free registration - Last check: February 2018]
C:> Gaming Networks & Servers: Online [Permanent access - 24/7]
C:> Join us! We really think that it would be fantastic to play online together!
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 [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals-

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 38
Location : The_Field

[WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Empty
PostSubject: [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals-   [WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Icon_minitimeTue 11 Oct - 0:11

[WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals- Command_and_Conquer_Generals_by_12mpsher

Editeur: EA Games

Developper: Westwood Studios

Max number of players: 8

Command & Conquer Generals is a PC strategy game with 3 teams: the USA, China and GLA (which represent a powerfull terrorist organization).

Why this topic?
The goals are the following:
-Helping people for the online gaming
-bring all the necessary ressources (infos/patchs/maps...)
-organizing games quickly and easily
-Afford everyone to give his ideas and opinions

How to play online?
Install the game, (without 1.7 patch), install hamachi, connect to the following network with hamachi;
Username: "michael866"
password : michael866
Start the game, go to options, select the ip that starts with "5.xx", go back to the main menu, clic on skirmish -> network

- Answer this topic if you are interested or if you want to play online! You can also contact the other players directly by consulting the playerlist.
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[WINDOWS] Command & Conquer -Generals-

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