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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Robann10
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Welcome to RetrOnline - Play Good Old Games ... Online!
[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Robann10
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 [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander

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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 29 Apr - 22:36

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba12

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba14 [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba15 [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba16 [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba20 [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Moonba18

Publisher: Infogrames, Inc.

Developer: Humongous Entertainment

Maximum number of players: 4

Demo (possible download sites):

Why this topic? It will:
-help everyone to play online easily
-list all required tips & files (infos/patchs/maps...)
-help every RetrOnline member to plan some games sessions
-allow players to talk about this game and to share some good ideas

How to play this game online? [REPLY TO DISPLAY CONTENT]

Official RetrOnline Server: Click here!

Compatibility with VPN Clients (Hamachi, Tunngle...): [REPLY TO DISPLAY CONTENT]

Game behavior with a bad connection reliability (high ping level, distance): [REPLY TO DISPLAY CONTENT]

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Red-ar12 Feel free to post a message if:
-> you really like this game
-> you want to share some good ideas
-> you want to organize a game/tournament later
-> you want to see the hidden informations/tutorials
-> you want to encourage other players to join the gaming networks
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Age : 26

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: more content   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeWed 19 Oct - 23:09

Can you please see the more content? Smile
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeWed 19 Oct - 23:57

anthonyjk987654 wrote:
Can you please see the more content? Smile

Can't wait to play geek Probably one of the best & original games Basketball I'll do my best to be available next week Wink
Contact me when you will be ready to play jocolor
I'm not very skilled but i like this game a lot Wink
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Join date : 2012-01-26

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jan - 10:14

Well, I'm already in the network for the game. What else?

Let me say, also, that - like you, Admin. - I'm not too skilled.
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jan - 0:24

Menraes wrote:
Well, I'm already in the network for the game. What else?

Let me say, also, that - like you, Admin. - I'm not too skilled.

And I can confirm that anthonyjk987654 is very skilled Twisted Evil
We will probably be able to try a 3 players game when he will be available Basketball
If we are lucky, more Moonbase Commander fans will join us soon! geek
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Join date : 2012-02-16

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeThu 16 Feb - 15:28

Gonna play the crap out of this.
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeThu 16 Feb - 16:03

So the game still doesn't work online.

I tried to get that ForceBindIP thing to work, but it doesn't seem to do anything aside from give me a usage error when I try to open the program.
I also tried manually injecting host ips into the ini file, but that didn't work.

Little help?
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeThu 16 Feb - 22:26

MrEntity wrote:
So the game still doesn't work online.

I tried to get that ForceBindIP thing to work, but it doesn't seem to do anything aside from give me a usage error when I try to open the program.
I also tried manually injecting host ips into the ini file, but that didn't work.

Little help?


What version of the game do you use? Operating system? Connection type? (router?)
Have you tried playing other games online in the same way?
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 17 Feb - 5:43

V 1.1
Windows XP home
I have tried combinations of turning off my router's firewall, DMZing my computer, and port-forwarding (finally found the 3 ports the game uses yesterday), but nothing helps.

I have never tried to use Hamachi before, it has never been necessary.

At one point I did have moonbase commander working over the net with a friend by using Moonbase Console or MoonbaseIP, but that randomly stopped working and we've never been able to get it to work again. It just sits on the loading screen searching for game. We have logged literal hours trying every which way to make it work and doing internet research, which is how I found this site.
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 17 Feb - 8:15

MrEntity wrote:
V 1.1
Windows XP home
I have tried combinations of turning off my router's firewall, DMZing my computer, and port-forwarding (finally found the 3 ports the game uses yesterday), but nothing helps.

I have never tried to use Hamachi before, it has never been necessary.

At one point I did have moonbase commander working over the net with a friend by using Moonbase Console or MoonbaseIP, but that randomly stopped working and we've never been able to get it to work again. It just sits on the loading screen searching for game. We have logged literal hours trying every which way to make it work and doing internet research, which is how I found this site.

I see. You have already tried a lot of combinations! affraid The game (V1.1) has been tested online successfully using the tutorial above, but some players may of course have problems with specific hardware/software/settings. All I can suggest right now is to read this:

-All players must follow this tutorial: https://retronline.forumactif.org/t55-pc-how-to-make-sure-that-your-game-will-use-the-hamachi-connection
-The game & Hamachi version must be the same for all players
-You should see a green point near each player name (Hamachi)
-In some cases, you may have to swap the players' roles (Client<->Server)

If this method does not fix the problem, it is more likely that a firewall (software/hardware) is blocking the data traffic. All players must try to temporarily disable it and must consider redirecting some TCP ports.

And finally, the best way to make sure that Hamachi works as expected is to try to play this game and other TCP based games with other players Wink (e.g: RetroPacks). If you want to try some RetroPacks online, you may join the RetrOnline Quick Help network: https://retronline.forumactif.org/t392-quick-help-for-new-retronline-members-english

New players will naturally join the Moonbase Commander network later, so if you are patient, you will be able to try other settings/combinations Wink Sometimes it's easier than we think Basketball
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 17 Feb - 13:34

Got it working. Awesome. Thanks.
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Age : 26

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 3:22

OK i'm back at the server! You may notice two of me, one running Windows 7, and one using Windows XP virtual machine, the reason of this is because setup for Moonbase is loading slow on my host computer. Mad I hope this is OK with you Admin, Question feel free to contact me on ether 7 or XP Very Happy
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 4:42

anthonyjk987654 wrote:
OK i'm back at the server! You may notice two of me, one running Windows 7, and one using Windows XP virtual machine, the reason of this is because setup for Moonbase is loading slow on my host computer. Mad I hope this is OK with you Admin, Question feel free to contact me on ether 7 or XP Very Happy

The Moonbase Commander network can currently support up to 256 users (!)
So, I don't think that it's a big problem for me, especially if you stay motivated over time Very Happy
If someone wants to contact you, it's always better to send a PM (to make sure that you will receive the message even when you are playing at the same time or when you are not connected/online) Smile
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeSat 4 Aug - 10:51

replying to see content
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeFri 12 Oct - 13:42

Alrighty, played my first multiplayer game of Moonbase Commander yesterday, awesome as it ever was. Replying to see content to troubleshoot a third friend
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeSun 14 Oct - 10:15

Is this the correct location to post a question about a problem a friend is having with playing this game online with me and another? Or is there a proper troubleshoot section for this game that I should go to.
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeSun 14 Oct - 11:40

Zetro wrote:
Is this the correct location to post a question about a problem a friend is having with playing this game online with me and another? Or is there a proper troubleshoot section for this game that I should go to.

Hi. The answer is: Yes, especially if that can be helpful to the other players. Otherwise, it's better to post your message here: https://retronline.forumactif.org/f6-problems (as a separate topic)
Please also take the time to carefully follow the current tutorial and to read the preceding messages (ping requirements/known fixes & workarounds/advice...). Thanks Wink
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct - 14:16

Excellent. Me and my first friend got the game running just fine after beating our heads on the wall for a few hours till we realized my hamachi needed an update and we needed to use the hamachi IPs. So we troubleshooted the next friend this same way, but nothings working. We can ping him on hamachi, and he has the game running correctly with the proper version, but whenever we try to connect to him or him to us, it just counts dots under Finding Host. We can't figure out whats wrong, and our best guess at this point is that it might be some interference coming from his virtual machine he's using on his mac. It's bootcamp and he's running windows 7 on it. That's the only guess we have left.
EDIT: oh yes and we've checked his firewall as well that didn't help.
EDIT2: So no one has any ideas? Never heard of bootcamp interfering with old game networking or anything?
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeTue 30 Oct - 9:32

Zetro wrote:
Excellent. Me and my first friend got the game running just fine after beating our heads on the wall for a few hours till we realized my hamachi needed an update and we needed to use the hamachi IPs. So we troubleshooted the next friend this same way, but nothings working. We can ping him on hamachi, and he has the game running correctly with the proper version, but whenever we try to connect to him or him to us, it just counts dots under Finding Host. We can't figure out whats wrong, and our best guess at this point is that it might be some interference coming from his virtual machine he's using on his mac. It's bootcamp and he's running windows 7 on it. That's the only guess we have left.
EDIT: oh yes and we've checked his firewall as well that didn't help.
EDIT2: So no one has any ideas? Never heard of bootcamp interfering with old game networking or anything?

There are many possible reasons for this kind of issue Wink
Moonbase Commander requires a very reliable connection (low ping level and, ideally, no packet loss). Otherwise, you may have problems to see/join a game (we have already experienced the same issue during our tests). This is a particularly important point, especially if you have successfully played other games online with the person concerned.
There are no known problems while using Apple Boot Camp and a Windows operating system (all this is supposed to work like a real PC). Things are different if a virtualization software is used inside the main operating system (Mac OS).
All players should follow this tutorial: https://retronline.forumactif.org/t55-pc-how-to-make-sure-that-your-game-will-use-the-hamachi-connection
You can also make sure that everyone is using the same version of Hamachi and a wired connection (no WiFi).
In all cases, it is possible to continue the investigations, especially if this player decides to join us. There are new players regularly and maybe other good ideas & improvements later Smile
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Age : 26

[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeSun 25 Nov - 9:48

Wow this topic have more posts than the others lol!

Now I'm gonna tell you some useful controls

In the options menu, you can change your player name, it only supports 10 characters, for example I'm "anthonyjk"

If you press the D key it displays the damage bars on the bottom of your hubs, it should be useful if you really want to know when you need to use the wrench on your hubs

Lastly if your press the R key you got the range radius. I don't know how to explain this techually but I can say its useful for anti airs and shields.

I hope those cloud be useful

See ya! sunny
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Tried without much luck to connect   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr - 3:56

My friends and I have tried using MoonbaseIP and MoonbaseConsole to connect and play. We got two matches in that were solid, and the others got out of sync with each other and silently dropped connection. About 90% of all connection attempts fail to find the host.


  • We are using Hamachi
  • We followed the link on how to best set up Hamachi in a previous post
  • We have DMZ'd our computers on the router so there is no chance of firewall issues

I'm hoping some of the tips in the OP can help but, if you can think of anything else to try, please let me know!

Thank you,
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr - 5:52

Hi. Just a few ideas:

Kev8lar9 wrote:

We are using Hamachi

All the players should use the same version of Hamachi and the same version of the game. You can also try another VPN software (e.g.: Tunngle).

Kev8lar9 wrote:

We followed the link on how to best set up Hamachi in a previous post

As indicated above, Moonbase Commander requires a very reliable connection (always the same level of ping/wired connections/no packet loss). Make sure to try all the tips (Hamachi/the game itself) in this thread. Each player (you and your friend) should try to play with another person (who has already played online successfully on several occasions). This technique is the best way to quickly diagnose the problem (most of the time, it is a local and/or a temporary issue).

Kev8lar9 wrote:

We have DMZ'd our computers on the router so there is no chance of firewall issues

You are right, especially if you have already played this game online with the same network infrastructure.
Hope this helps. Other suggestions/ideas/information are welcome! Smile
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[WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander   [WINDOWS] Moonbase Commander Icon_minitime

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